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Terms of Service
Welcome to be a member of HDL Automation Co., Ltd. (HDL) website. By the registration of our site, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following Terms of Use. The terms constitute the agreement between you and HDL relating to your registration and the use of all activities of HDL website.
1. For the better service, members should vouch that data supplied on registration are true and complete, and be responsible for all the consequences of false information.
2. To protect your account, keep your password confidential. You are responsible for the activities that happen on or through your HDL account.
3. If you agree to the Terms of Use, HDL and the website may use your data supplied when providing technique or other services and you may receive email messages from HDL. If necessary, HDL may contact you through your personal information.
HDL Automation Co., Ltd. reserves the right to the final explanation of the Terms of Use.